Covid-19 Alert: Santee Pest Control Company is still open for business. For the safety of our employees and customers, we have taken precautionary measures to help slow the spread of the COVID-19. We are evaluating the situation & will continue business operations until further notice.

How to Manage & Treat Bed Bugs

How to Mange & Treat Bed Bugs | Santee Pest Control

We have a lot of experience treating and getting rid of bed bugs in your home or business. We will use only methods that have been shown to work to treat and get rid of your bed bug problem. After the treatment, we do a K9 inspection to make sure there are no more bed […]

8 señales comunes de chinches

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Las chinches se están volviendo comunes entre los propietarios de viviendas y los inquilinos de apartamentos, que en su mayoría viven en áreas densamente pobladas. Aunque las chinches no transmiten ninguna enfermedad, pueden ser una molestia. También pueden causar efectos psicológicos como estrés, insomnio, ansiedad y reacciones físicas como sarpullido o alergia. Los chinches son […]

8 Common Signs of Bed Bugs

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Bed bugs are becoming common among homeowners and apartment renters, mostly living in densely populated areas. Although bed bugs don’t transmit any diseases, they can be a nuisance. They can also cause psychological effects like stress, insomnia, anxiety, and physical reactions like rash or allergy. Bed bugs are sneaky, and you might not realize they’re […]

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