Covid-19 Alert: Santee Pest Control Company is still open for business. For the safety of our employees and customers, we have taken precautionary measures to help slow the spread of the COVID-19. We are evaluating the situation & will continue business operations until further notice.

Preparándose para la primavera: consejos para el control de plagas

spring pests esp | Pest Control Santee | Exterminator Santee | Santee Pest Control

Como la primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina, es posible que se pregunte cómo preparar su hogar para cualquier plaga que pueda estar al acecho tratando de abrirse paso en el interior. Aquí hay algunos consejos para mantener su hogar limpio en primavera y mantener a raya a los insectos. Elimine cualquier agua […]

Preparing for Spring: Pest Control Tips

spring pests | Pest Control Santee | Exterminator Santee | Santee Pest Control

As spring is just around the corner, you might be wondering how to prepare your home for any pests that might be lurking around trying to make their way indoors. Here are a few tips for keeping your home clean in spring while keeping bugs at bay. Remove Any Standing Water or Leaks Pests prefer […]

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