Covid-19 Alert: Santee Pest Control Company is still open for business. For the safety of our employees and customers, we have taken precautionary measures to help slow the spread of the COVID-19. We are evaluating the situation & will continue business operations until further notice.

Nine Most Unwanted Pests in Your Household: Santee Pest Control

Nine Most Unwanted Pests in Your Household | Santee Pest Control

Household pests can wreak havoc in any home at any moment. While most pests are only a nuisance, others can spread disease and cause severe damage to your house. Therefore, any indication of pest infestation must be addressed effectively and promptly. Following are the most predominant pests you are bound to find in every household. […]

7 mitos en el control de roedores: pasos sencillos para deshacerse de ratas y ratones

mouse eating grain esp

Los roedores son lo último que alguien quiere en su casa. Estas criaturas peludas y desagradables representan un peligro de propagar infecciones dañinas a través de la orina y los excrementos y pueden causar un peligro importante para la salud de su familia. Además, las ratas y los ratones pueden causar estragos en la estructura […]

7 Myths in Rodent Control: Easy Steps to Get Rid of Rats & Mice

7 Myths in Rodent Control | Rodents | Santee Pest Control

Rodents are the last thing anyone wants in their house. These nasty, hairy creatures pose a danger of spreading harmful infections through their urine and droppings and can cause a significant health hazard for your family. Furthermore, rats and mice can wreak havoc on your home’s structure and landscape. The Internet is full of misleading […]

¿Por qué las hormigas son tan difíciles de eliminar y cómo deshacerse de ellas?

red ants forming a bridge on leaves

Se cree que hay aproximadamente un billón de hormigas en nuestro planeta. Para poner eso en perspectiva, se infiere que por cada persona en la Tierra, hay alrededor de 150000 hormigas. No es de extrañar que puedan irrumpir en nuestras cocinas, tomar nuestra comida y aparecer en cualquier habitación de nuestra casa sin ninguna indicación. […]

Why are Ants so Hard to Eliminate & How to Get Rid of Them

Why are Ants so Hard to Eliminate & How to Get Rid of Them | Santee pest Control

It is believed that there are roughly one quadrillion ants on our planet. To put that in perspective, it infers that for every person on Earth, there are around 150000 ants. It’s no surprise that they can break into our kitchens, take our food, and appear in any room of our house without any indication. […]

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